A Cold Opening

Mitt Romney’s arrival in Washington (it sure seems like a return but amazingly it isn’t) comes with somewhat unexpected fireworks. In the event you haven’t read it, Romney’s eloquent take about the character flaws of one Donald J. Trump is linked below. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/mitt-romney-the-president-shapes-the-public-character-of-the-nation-trumps-character-falls-short/2019/01/01/37a3c8c2-0d1a-11e9-8938-5898adc28fa2_story.html?utm_term=.fc9c4009fb4e Unsurprisingly, Romney’s criticisms of Trump have...

A Falwellian Turn

In 1979, Jerry Falwell founded the “Moral Majority,” a largely evangelical Christian-based political organization intended as a counterweight to the social liberalization during the 1960s and ‘70s. While the Moral Majority possessed wide-ranging goals for the advancement of Christian religious interests across the public policy spectrum, it focused upon...


The NFL recently announced its decision to curtail protests during the national anthem by mandating that all players stand while it is played or remain in the locker room should they not be willing to do so. This decision, which has been praised by the White House and decried...

A Sign of Weakness

One of the more repetitive pieces of political analysis that has taken hold over last year is that the Republican Party is now the “Party of Trump.” Donald Trump’s approval rating among Republican identifiers – which throughout his campaign and into the early stages of his Presidency trailed past...

Hello world!

This is my blog, thanks to my beautiful wife for setting it up.  The content will largely reflect my political opinions, which I would loosely characterize as libertarian conservative.  All respectful comments and debate are welcome....